Emotions Anonymous

Emotions Anonymous: Healing Through Shared Experience

Emotions Anonymous (EA) is a twelve-step program designed to help individuals struggling with emotional difficulties and mental health challenges. Founded in 1971 and modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous, EA provides a supportive, non-judgmental environment for people seeking emotional well-being.

The program operates on the principle that emotional health is achievable through a process of self-discovery, acceptance, and mutual support. EA meetings offer a safe space where members can share their experiences, strengths, and hopes with one another, fostering a sense of community and understanding.

EA's approach centers on the belief that emotional problems often stem from how individuals respond to life events rather than the events themselves. By working through the twelve steps, members learn to identify and modify harmful thought patterns and behaviors, develop healthier coping mechanisms, and cultivate emotional resilience.

The program is inclusive, welcoming anyone experiencing emotional difficulties regardless of specific diagnoses or issues. This inclusivity allows for a diverse membership and promotes a sense of unity among individuals facing various challenges.

While research on EA's effectiveness is limited compared to more established programs, anecdotal evidence suggests many participants experience improvements in emotional well-being, interpersonal relationships, and overall quality of life through their involvement in EA.

Emotions Anonymous represents a unique approach to addressing emotional and mental health challenges through peer support and personal development, offering an alternative or complementary option to traditional mental health treatments.

"Just for today I will try to live through this day only, not tackling all of my problems at once. I can do something at this moment that would discourage me if I had to continue it for a lifetime."

— EA Big Book

“Just for today I will try to be happy, realizing my happiness does not depend on what others do or say or what happens around me. Happiness is a result of being at peace with myself."

— EA Big Book

Just for today I will try to adjust myself to what is and not force everything to adjust to my own desires. I will accept my family, my friends, my business, my circumstances as they come."

— EA Big Book

-EA Big Book

“Just for today I will take care of my physical health; I will exercise my mind; I will read something spiritual.”

“Just for today I will do somebody a good turn and not get found out. If anyone knows of it, it will not count. I will do at least one thing I don't want to do, and I will perform some small act of love for my neighbor.”

— EA Big Book

-EA Big Book

“"Just for today I will try to go out of my way to be kind to someone I meet. I will be considerate, talk low, and look as good as I can. I will not engage in unnecessary criticism or finding fault, nor try to improve or regulate anybody except myself."”

-EA Big Book

“Just for today I will have a program. I may not follow it exactly, but I will have it. I will save myself from two pests— hurry and indecision.”

-EA Big Book

Just for today I will stop saying, 'If I had time.' I never will find time for anything. If I want time, I must take it.”

-EA Big Book

Just for today I will have a quiet time of meditation wherein I shall think of my Higher Power, of myself, and of my neighbor. I shall relax and seek truth.”